Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Some folks have been asking...

A Choose-Your-Own-ARTventure adventure brought to you by The Sound and the Flurries

It's almost the first weekend in December and you need to see some ART! The scene you are looking for is:

A. a super fun, mildly holiday themed party, with space to move around, a chance to converse with the artists, snacks and crafts to enjoy, adult beverages, and live music to entertain you. Go to the end of this post and read Ending A to find out which night we should expect to see you.

B. a super crazy, fun, arty scene with mobs of people aimlessly wandering into one another, food trucks lined up from every corner of the planet, other galleries to peruse with art from people other than us, random street performances, people selling art out of suitcases or fancified Vanagons, people selling hot dogs wrapped in other meats, porta-potty lines in which to chat with random strangers, cupcakes of all different sizes, and an awe-inspiring street party stretching from one end of the city to the other, demonstrating the wide variety of reasons why we all love Oakland. Go to the end of this post and read Ending B to see how your night turns out.

C. a party every night of the week. Go to the end of this post and read Ending C to find your fulfillment.


Ending A: You stroll up to RPS on Thursday night around 6, and you are immediately blown away by the super awesome art hanging all over the gallery. You mosey around and get a good look at most of it when you see a group of super fun-looking people and strike up a conversation around the "adult" punch bowl. You pass by the refreshments and help yourself to some kitschy snacks you remember from the parties of your youth, and take another go around the gallery. But wait, what is that you hear? It must be that live entertainment you heard others talking about, and it sounds awesome! In the crowd you spot someone holding what looks like a holiday craft you loved making as a wee chap, and realize you can make one too, right here and now! You snap some Instagram pics with your new friends in front of the inspired decorations, and OMG you are having such a good time, you don't realize it is already after 9pm and you must be making your way back to the BART station a few blocks away. Boy, what a fun night to get your holiday party season off on the right foot. You obviously made the right choice.

Ending B: You ride your bike down to Oakland Art Murmur on Friday and you are on your own after that. Seriously, anything could happen.

Ending C: Go to Ending A and read that. Then when you are done, read Ending B. Yep, you've had an awesome couple of nights, and it's not even the weekend yet. Good choice, You.

1 comment:

  1. Riki and Teppei both choose C. We're kind of experts, so...
